Abhishek Dutta | Izmir Institute of Technology, Turkey | abhishekdutta@iyte.edu.tr |
Kevin Van Geem | Ghent University, Belgium | kevin.vangeem@ugent.be |
Necip B. Üner | Middle East Technical University, Turkey | nuner@metu.edu.tr |
Aniruddha Majumder | University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom | a.majumder@abdn.ac.uk |
Yi Ouyang | Ghent University, Belgium | yi.ouyang@ugent.be |
Dmitry Murzin | Åbo Akademi University, Finland | dmitry.murzin@abo.fi |
Günay Çifci | GazHydratek, Turkey | gunay.cifci@gazhidratek.com |
Kai Sundmacher | Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems, Germany | sundmacher@mpi-magdeburg.mpg.de |
Nuno Reis | University of Bath, United Kingdom | nmr39@bath.ac.uk |
Rodney Fox | Iowa State University, USA | rofox@iastate.edu |
Vivek Ranade | University of Limerick, Ireland | vivek.ranade@ul.ie |
Wenli Du | East China University of Science and Technology, China | wldu@ecust.edu.cn |
Vahide Mutlu | SOCAR Türkiye Research & Development and Innovation Inc., Turkey | vahide.mutlu@socar.com.tr |
Ali Can Kızılkaya | Izmir Institute of Technology, Turkey | alicankizilkaya@iyte.edu.tr |
Arzu Uyar | Izmir Institute of Technology, Turkey | arzuuyar@iyte.edu.tr |
Basar Cağlar | Izmir Institute of Technology, Turkey | basarcaglar@iyte.edu.tr |
Erol Şeker | Izmir Institute of Technology, Turkey | erolseker@iyte.edu.tr |
Hasan Şıldır | Izmir Institute of Technology, Turkey | hasansildir@iyte.edu.tr |
Sacide Alsoy Altinkaya | Izmir Institute of Technology, Turkey | sacidealsoy@iyte.edu.tr |
Selahattin Yılmaz | Izmir Institute of Technology, Turkey | selahattinyilmaz@iyte.edu.tr |
Geraldine J. Heynderickx | Ghent University, Belgium | geraldine.heynderickx@ugent.be |
Georgios Stefanidis | National Technical University of Athens, Greece | gstefani@mail.ntua.gr |
Güray Yildiz | Bialystok University of Technology, Poland | guray.yildiz@pb.edu.pl |
Oliver Trapp | Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany | oliver.trapp@cup.uni-muenchen.de | S. Pushpavanam | IIT Madras, India | spush@iitm.ac.in |
Vemuri Balakotaiah | University of Houston, USA | bala@uh.edu |
Vladimir Galvita | Ghent University, Belgium | vladimir.galvita@ugent.be |
Miray Kaya (Student Lead) | Izmir Institute of Technology, Turkey | miraykaya@iyte.edu.tr |
Aleksandr Zherdetckii (Student Co-lead) | Izmir Institute of Technology, Turkey | aleksandrzherdetckii@std.iyte.edu.tr |
Beyza Deniz | Izmir Institute of Technology, Turkey | beyzadeniz@std.iyte.edu.tr |
Nathan Solomon | Izmir Institute of Technology, Turkey | nathansolomon@std.iyte.edu.tr |
Paşa Ozan Kaya | Izmir Institute of Technology, Turkey | pasakaya@iyte.edu.tr |
Meltem Turan | Simuligence UAB, Lithuania | info@simuligence.com |
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